Tuesday, February 12, 2008


are numbers important? are all numbers important or is it just some? Last night I pondered this while waiting for the bus. I decided that if i added up all the numbers of the busses that came while i waited for the one to take me away, that eventually the numbers would, over time, spell out some meaning for me. last night was 124. my bus came after two number 62s. if it is possible to find meaning in a code written through the bible or in some nonsense to do with paintings, then i feel that my lifes meaning might be found in this way. what treasures will tonights journey hold?

i walked past the dark forrest that runs wild, up the hill on my way home from the busstop. i never lived here in my youth. i never ran through this forrest or did the speeder bike run through it on my bmx. therefore i dont trust it. it is always dark and foreboding. obviously there are birds exiting and entering it and that fills me with mild dread too. it means that there is something happening in there. something alive.

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